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Customizable M-Series Loveseat

Sofas & Loveseats

Customizable M-Series Loveseat

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Customizable M-Series Loveseat

from $4,636.99

This Custom Choices loveseat was designed in five easy steps. Simply select from our depth, frame, arm, cushion and base styles to create your custom furniture in fabric or leather.

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  • Handcrafted in America

  • Choose from over 400 fabric options and 100 leather options

  • Select your seat depth: Standard 38” or Plush 41”

  • Choose from 19 different leg finishes

  • Select your arm, seat, and back cushions

  • Suspended Coil spring system provides consistent, durable seating comfort

  • Kiln-dried hardwood frames provide a durable foundation

  • Joints are tightly fitted, glued, stapled and reinforced with corner blocks for added strength and support

  • Anchored sinuous wire springs provide consistent, durable back comfort


  • Overall: 66”W x 38”H x 38”D

  • Arm Height: 25”

  • Seat Height: 25”

  • Pillows: 19” x 19”