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6220 Promler Avenue Northwest
North Canton, OH, 44720
United States


Customizable Richardson High Leg Reclining Lounger


Customizable Richardson High Leg Reclining Lounger

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Customizable Richardson High Leg Reclining Lounger

from $2,202.99

The Richardson High Leg Reclining Lounger is offered in hundreds of leather options and includes a standard nailhead trim #9 in natural finish. Other decorative nailhead finishes are available. Comes with a standard mahogany finish but other finishes are available. It features a semi-attached seat back and a high resilient foam seat. Power recline is available for an upcharge. There is something irresistible about a plush recliner that often makes it the most desired seat in the house. After all, who doesn’t enjoy the indulgence of lounging like a king or queen at the end of a long day? Emanating in luxury – and proving that comfort and sophisticated design can co-exist – our recliners guarantee long hours of relaxation without having to forgo style. With a wide variety of recliners available, it’s easy to express your personal style while achieving your “royal-status.” Hand-crafted with the highest quality reclining mechanisms available today for a deeply luxurious ride, all you’ll have to worry about is who gets control of the remote. Make it your own with a selection of more than 135 premium leathers, over 200 fabrics and an assortment of nail head and wood finish options.

  • See below for details

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  • Choose from over 200 fabric options and over 135 leather options

  • Select your leg style and leg finish

  • Choose from 7 different nailhead finishes

  • Features: Manual

  • Features: Pushback recline is standard
    Power Button available with upcharge
    Power button with battery pack available with upcharge

  • Material: Leather

  • Finish: Standard Mahogany finish. Other finishes available at no additional cost.

  • HR Foam Cushion

  • Semi-Attached Back Cushion


  • Width: 36 1/2" (92.7 cm)

  • Depth: 41" (104.1 cm)

  • Height: 43" (109.2 cm)

  • Arm Height: 27 1/2" (69.8 cm)

  • Seat Width: 21" (53.3 cm)

  • Seat Depth: 20 1/2" (52.1 cm)

  • Seat Height: 21" (53.3 cm)