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6220 Promler Avenue Northwest
North Canton, OH, 44720
United States


Burnham Writing Desk


Burnham Writing Desk


Burnham Writing Desk

Sale Price:$1,719.99 Original Price:$2,235.99

With a soft modern and casual appeal, the Burnham Writing Desk is crafted of Alder Veneers with knots in a Grey Mink finish with dark bronze knob hardware. Featuring 4 drawers, the left drawer is a file drawer with pendaflex system and full extension metal ball bearing slides. The Center drawer has a drop-front for keyboard use and wire cutout in the back of drawer. The top right drawer has a removable pencil tray, inserts and removable writing slide with full extension metal ball bearing slides. The right bottom drawer has a false bottom with finger hole for hidden storage and is on full extension metal ball bearing slides. Finished on all sides. The Work Your Way program focuses on the new reality many consumers face as they continue to do much of their work from their homes. Available in five design styles, the program offers an assortment of key home office pieces for a variety of spaces Ð whether a dedicated executive home office or a more casual workstation. Ranging in scale and functionality, all of the groups within Work Your Way include an executive desk, a junior executive desk, a writing table, a lateral file, a credenza and hutch and a bookcase.

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  • Features: Four drawers
    Left drawer is a file drawer with pendaflex system and 150lb full extension metal ball bearing slides
    Center drawer has a drop-front for keyboard use and wire cutout in the back of drawer
    Top right drawer has a removable pencil tray, inserts and removable writing slide with 100lb full extension metal ball bearing slides
    Right bottom drawer has a false bottom with finger hole for hidden storage and is on 100lb full extension metal ball bearing slides
    Finished on all sides

  • Material: Alder Veneers with Knots 

  • Finish: Light Wood 

  • Finish: Grey Mink with dark bronze knob hardware


  • Width: 58" (147.3 cm)

  • Depth: 29" (73.7 cm) 

  • Height: 31" (78.7 cm)