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6220 Promler Avenue Northwest
North Canton, OH, 44720
United States


Aldan Dining Table

Dining Tables

Aldan Dining Table


Aldan Dining Table

Sale Price:$2,915.99 Original Price:$3,789.99

Crafted from solid reclaimed oak, this table showcases the natural beauty of the wood's grain, knots, and weathered texture making each piece unique. Its minimalist design lends a timeless quality, making it a perfect piece for any dining space. Solid wood will continue to move with temperature and humidity changes, which can result in cracks and uneven surfaces, adding to its authenticity and character. With two 16" leaves, this extension dining table can vary from 84", 100", or 116".

  See below for details

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  • Solid Reclaimed Oak

  • With 2-16’’ Leaves

  • Adjust from 84’’, 100’’, or 116’’


  • 116 W X 30 H X 40 D