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6220 Promler Avenue Northwest
North Canton, OH, 44720
United States


Customizable Dylan Bed

Beds & Headboards

Customizable Dylan Bed

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Customizable Dylan Bed

from $2,981.99
  • See below for details

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  • Choose from over 130 fabrics including a wide selection of performance fabrics 

  • Handcrafted in the US

  • Contrasting panel available

  • Tapered wood legs: Finish Options: Ebony, Perk & Toffee

  • Frame Construction: Our M upholstered furniture collection pieces are benchmade from sustainably sourced wood and upholstered start to finish by our skilled craftspeople in both North Carolina and Virginia. Every piece has been thoughtfully designed for today’s modern lifestyle. Frames are constructed of sustainably certified kiln dried engineered hardwood. Frame parts are joined with precision cut interlocking joints that are glued, stapled to reduce movement, twisting and warping. Frames have cornerblocks that are glued and screwed at stress points, especially on seat rails and other high stress areas. Depending on rail thickness, frames may be of a hybrid construction, adding a solid hardwood inner frame to give seat rails additional support.


  • Short Queen: 67W x 87 3/4D x 46H

  • Short King: 83W x 87 3/4D x 46H

  • Tall Queen: 67W x 87 3/4D x 54H

  • Tall King: 83W x 87 3/4D x 54H (In Store)