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6220 Promler Avenue Northwest
North Canton, OH, 44720
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Customizable Beckley Swivel Glider

Accent Chairs

Customizable Beckley Swivel Glider

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Customizable Beckley Swivel Glider

Sale Price:$1,406.99 Original Price:$1,827.99

This swivel glider comes standard with a classic seat cushion, welt trim and 1/2'' brass nailhead trim. Go for a spin in our wide selection of swivel chairs. Multifunctional to their core and beautiful from every angle, these space-saving pieces are ideal for creating a conversation area in a living room or casual family room. With styles ranging from traditional to modern, their fresh designs are sure to keep the conversation moving.

  • See below for details

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  • Choose from 500 fabric options

  • Contrasting Fabric: Available for inside back, outside arm, outside back and seat. Any fabric.

  • Trim: Standard welt with 1/2'' Brass nailhead trim. Contrasting welt optional with slight upcharge. Other decorative nailhead finishes available

  • Frame Construction: Furniture grade laminated hardwood provides weight and durability which eliminates bowing or warping. Construction features include an interlocking frame which is glued, stapled and screwed providing strength and stability.


  • Width: 31" (78.7 cm)

  • Depth: 36" (91.4 cm)

  • Height: 32 1/2" (82.6 cm)

  • Arm Height: 22" (55.9 cm)

  • Seat Width: 23" (58.4 cm)

  • Seat Depth: 22" (55.9 cm)

  • Seat Height: 19 1/2" (49.5 cm)